Today we live in a world where you are constricted. The way you act, the way you dress, the way you talk or look, has to be in the lines. Few have the courage is to step out. And often, those few give up and are suppressed back into ‘shape’. This all is too much for us to handle. We shouldn't have to deal with this.
My utopia would have no judgement, and in doing this, everyone would be allowed individuality. Individuality that would allow them to express themselves however they wanted with nothing holding them back to do so. If this happens, this place would result in kindness and equality.
In Jessie J's song, 'Price-Tag', she highlights one of the main points I would want my utopia to have-- no currency. 'Nothing to kill or die for', as John Lennon's 'Imagine' says. If there was no money, what would set apart the rich from the poor? Or the celebrities to that kid that lives down the block? Nothing. And everyone could just get along and be their true self.
Just take a moment to understand. Some people LOVE to sing. Thats their true self. And some people LOVE to play with mathematical equations or economy. And thats their true self. Which one will do better in life? Even if they try as equally hard as one another, there is a much less chance of the singer making it big than the student becoming a business man. My utopia would have none of this. There is enough on this earth to share, and we can all have equal money, food, and shelter. There is no reason for superstars, or for politics. People can make their own decisions. An entire group should agree to something before it moves forward. No one should be outcast for their decisions. And that takes me back to individuality. No one is better than one another, but we should not be all the same.
In my utopia, every single person would be different. But if someone did not agree on the way that they dressed, talked, or believed in, they would keep it to themselves. Middle School would be completely different. There would be no grades, so no one could compare their scores and put others down. There would be no cliques, no popular people and no nerds. Everyone would be accepted.
Why are we living the way we are when we can live like this? We should be doing it our way.
The artwork was painted by a woman named Thaneeya McArdle. It is one of her abstract pieces and shows how a bunch of different and individual things can come together and make something beautiful.
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