I write to tell you the tripods have been destroyed. Today, in 2010, we are free of the horrible curse of the tripods. Although we are free, some horribly-minded people think we may face a similar situation in 2012... What baloney.
How did it feel when I took the cap off your head? In case you didn't notice,once my people killed all the tripods I was assigned 'pick up duty' as we call it to the tripod city, that WRETCHED place you used to call home. It was HORRIBLE. All those tripod controlled people, walking around muttering "What's my name??? Where do I live? Where's my master?" But I have to say you were the worst. Screaming, kicking your feet, you yelled "NOOOOO! PUT ME BACK WHERE I BELONG!"
After that, I cried for many days. I loved you Eloise, but you fell in love with HIM. I hate HIM. He still lives with us here in the White Mountains, and annoys the heck out of me EVERY DAY! I have wanted to push him down the Mountain many times, but have refrained because you loved him. If you write me back, and allow me permission to push him off, he will have splatted to the death valleys before I read anymore of that lovely letter.
I have one question. Why? Why did you get capped in the first place? Was it because you didn't know what brainwashing was to lie before? You make me sob, dearest Eloise...
Do you remember Henry? Well, he died. Fatal really. Died doing what he did best, and what he was trained in, fighting the tripods. I wish I could send you the obituary, but is to fragile to send. May he rest in peace.
I forgot to mention! Jean- Paul has had a break through! Such a scientist, that man! He has found a cure for that horrible disease you had! Remember? When you touched nuts you used to be very sick? Well, it's now called anaphylactic and Jean-Paul found the cure!!! It's called an epi-pen. One of the men I work with in the New Plans and Strategies Department uses it quite regularly... I like nuts.
This may not get to you because you're... dead.
Love you always,
Will <3
When I first started reading White Mountains, I didn't like it. Often, if someone would start talking about it I would groan, "Oh! I hate that book! I wish we didn't have to read it!" When I pushed my negativity out of the picture, I realized the teachers wouldn't make us read it if it was a brain-frizzling book. I mean really, they care at least that much for us, don't they??? I hope. I opened my eyes WIIIIDE open instead of the half open they were (metaphorically), and read. At the end of the second chapter, I liked it! It surprised me like crazy. In other people's blogs, some are going to go on and on and on about how they apparently LOVED the book and blah, blah, blah. I'm not. I liked it. It was so-so. No, I didn't love it. When I started reading with my eyes WIIIIIDE open (metaphorically), and steered away from all the peer pressure about it sucking, I liked it!
But hey, I didn't HATE it!
I am glad you kept an open mind while reading the book. Thanks for your honest opinion.