Would you want your future to be decided by others ? Why or Why not?
Well? Would you? I know I wouldn't! Why should THEY make MY choices? What if I got assigned to be a Fish Feeder? What if I had to marry a mean guy? And then got assigned a kid that I didn't want? Whats that? You think I am thinking to much about ME? Well, if you aren't considered that it would be horrible living with your future decided for you, then think of this:
You wake up. Only to think of how you will go share your dreams with your family whether you like it or not.
Then, you go to school, thinking of how you will do endless volunteer hours until you drop. Probably not even THEN will you be able to stop...
Later, you go home, only to be fed and be bid goodnight by your FAKE parents.
NOW do you know what I mean? Good. Now. Why? Because, everyone deserves the right to make their own decisions, whether its who they marry or what their job is or even that they just get real parents. Whether that is actually a right, (and I am pretty sure it is), or even if it isn't, that is why I think I think people should decide for themselves. Because they DESERVE to. If it's YOUR life, YOU should make your own decisions even if you mess up your life. Then you learn from your mistakes. Now, while you decide your whole life, there are still 2 people that I know of that have been put on this earth with you for a reason. Your parents. Even though YOU make your decisions, they guide you along the path to adulthood.

Picture: http://www.google.com.my/imglanding?q=parents%20and%20their%20children&imgurl=http://preventchildabusehabersham.org/images/superstock_1166r-3866.medium.jpg&imgrefurl=http://preventchildabusehabersham.org/Parents_as_Teachers.html&usg=__91AReP1WDrpDiKSk49OM19-3vhw=&h=300&w=448&sz=113&hl=en&itbs=1&tbnid=jUhxyPC6djl7AM:&tbnh=85&tbnw=127&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dparents%2Band%2Btheir%2Bchildren%26hl%3Den%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&gbv=2&tbs=isch:1&start=0#tbnid=jUhxyPC6djl7AM&start=3
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