Where the heck is Matt? Every time I see Matt in a new country, I think primarily about how much work has gone to filming every 10-20 second clip of footage in all the Countries.
Matt Harding states in the very first line of his This I Believe Essay that he believes that globalization is forcing our brains to evolve. If his brain hadn't improved from the Stone Age brains where they beat their food to death, he wouldn't have had an idea to video himself dancing as he traveling the world. Stride Gum saw this video, and then sponsored him to continue dancing around the world. A non developed brain would not have had the capacity to think about owning a company, let alone making money from sponsoring a guy dancing around the world.
That is what I thought of his remark-'Globalization is forcing our brains to evolve.'
What I thought of the video? I thought it was a great way of bringing the world together by dancing. I reminds me of a Digital Photography Photo Story I did. When I was looking around for a story, I did not have in mind at all what I was going to use. Animals? People? Then, when I got to the Library, I found the HUGE dictionary propped up on a special ledge. There were some words on the front that caught my attention. "ASK LIBRARY DESK FOR MAGNIFYING GLASS" I thought to myself, what could I do with this? And this is how I did it.
I took at picture of the word Malaysian. Then Canadian. Then American. And about 5 other nationalities. Then I took a picture of the ISKL logo.
That is what I believe ISKL is, and the world will eventually be. Connected. No matter how you look, where your from, what color you are, ISKL will accept you and my hope is that eventually the world will be like that as well.
This is what I feel Matt Harding was aiming towards in his video.
Thanks to:
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